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We have discontinued the "FileTranser / data transfer" service as a result of the IT security incident. For transferring large volumes of files, we recommend sharing via the cloud.

Description of the service

With the tool FileTransfer / Datenübertragung (only accessible within the university) you could transfer a file up to 2 GB in size to other (also external) persons.

The reverse was also possible: An external partner who does not have a URZ login could transfer data to you. To do this, you had to activate the tool for this partner.


Release via the cloud

Service description

OwnSky is our cloud variant based on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud is a free software for storing data (file hosting) on your own server. The project was launched as an alternative to commercial cloud services (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive, etc.) and places particular emphasis on user privacy.

Important note: For the first use, a one-time setup of the complete storage space is necessary, but this is described quickly and easily in the instructions linked below.

Set up home directory as external storage

Since the changeover of the cloud, the previous shares and the integrated external storage can no longer be used. So far, it is only possible to reintegrate the home directory as external storage.

The home directory is no longer manually integrated as external storage, but is done automatically. You will need an app password to complete the configuration. The following instructions describe the procedure step by step.

Project shares are not yet working again. Please create a ticket if you need to reintegrate such a network drive via the cloud.

We have successfully implemented two-factor authentication in our cloud application. This service can now be used externally again.