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Studying successfully in Partnership with Companies

The Cooperative Study Program brings several parties together and ensures that their common interests are met. It is an offer from TUBAF to counter the constantly rising costs of studying on the one hand and the lack of well-trained young talent in numerous Saxon companies on the other. Prospective students need additional security for their livelihoods and the prospect of joining promising and sustainable companies during their studies. Companies want to inspire potential graduates from TUBAF's range of subjects at an early stage and give them an insight into practice. TUBAF conveys the concerns with the cooperative study program on a solid but flexible contractual basis.

3 Personen, die sich gegenseitig zum Erfolg verhelfen

Advantages for Students

  • Practice-oriented training through the integration of topics and lecturers from companies (teaching assignment)
  • Realisation of joint research projects
  • Attractive study programs through internships and practice-oriented problems
  • Financial and non-material support until graduation

Advantages for Companies

  • Early employee retention
  • Reduction of the induction period for later recruitment
  • Promotion of long-term employee retention
  • Testing/inclusion of requirements and knowledge from corporate practice and society in the studies of prospective top employees

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Principles of the Agreements

The agreements between students and the partner companies do not fundamentally change the structure and course of the degree program, but can supplement it with additional practical experience and funding opportunities. Compared to conventional forms of dual study programs, cooperative study agreements are characterised by a high level of flexibility for both sides. Companies and students negotiate their agreement individually and use the following principles as a guide:

  1. University and cooperating companies retain full sovereignty over their actual goals and purposes.
  2. Cooperating companies choose with which students agreements are concluded, students can freely decide on a cooperative form of study.
  3. Regulations regarding financing and, if applicable, employment of students during their studies should be part of the agreement, so that a scholarship-like regular payment for students is agreed.
  4. The university supports companies and students by arranging final theses that are written in response to practical problems.
  5. Companies advise the university on the inclusion of study content in existing degree programs in order to link theoretical principles back to realistic practical fields.

Example: Cooperative study program in mechanical engineering