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Since mid-October, decentralised structural units such as faculties, institutes and facilities have been able to submit applications to set up their own area on the new TUBAF website. Since then, over 100 new groups have been set up and several hundred accesses have been allocated.


After the successful launch of numerous editors in the new Drupal system, the last web consultation in the familiar format took place on 7 December.

For the further development of our training programmes, we would therefore like to gather the opinions of all existing, new and future editors with a 2-minute survey before we say goodbye for the Christmas break:

We would like to know from you:

  • How did the launch go, are you finding your way around the new system well?
  • Where are there problems and uncertainties?
  • Which training formats would you prefer to use (self-study slides, basic training, video tutorials, ...)?

And some good news for all editors at the end of the year:

We have published a new version of the "crash course" training slides. Additional content (e.g. translating pages and media) supplements the previous scope. Minor corrections and new bugs are also included.

As always, you can find all materials for self-learning at:

Best regards

Your web team